Stark raving terror…just like the good ole days!

As the shimmering fades, the group is in a short hallway facing a door adorned with a symbol of a white hand. The door is investigated and the smell of perfume wafts from beyond the closed portal. The party wheels about and begins to explore in the other direction. They travel a short distance then enter a huge vaulted hallway. Inexplicably, Demming pauses to detect thoughts and is alarmed to sense malignant intelligence nearby – so nearby that he barely has time to croak out a warning before a trio of invisible stalkers assaults Barada, Demming and Dalliance. Barada is savaged and so is Demming. Dalliance is struck unconscious and is slain by the attacker. Luckily her ring of nine lives is still functioning, and she leaps off the ground in terror, alive but without spells. Apparently, her teleportation contingency spell has failed within the confines of Halaster’s Funhouse. From there it is a short but pitched battle as Ron’j! pummels Barada and stalkers into red pulp.
The group pauses momentarily…who could possibly hate them enough to send invisible killers after them? A few moments of contemplation reveal multiple likely sources and it doesn’t really change anything anyway. The important thing is to rest, heal and regain spells. The group wants to retreat and deploy a rope trick in the hallway, but the extra-dimensional space will not form. With a sense of inevitability, Demming summons an earth elemental. They equip it with a light coin and order it to open the door. The door leads to a boudoir, complete with helpless occupant – nay – raksasha, and it is another fierce fight to the death. The group moves in and tries to sleep in watches. It is all going well until Bud and Barada are turned to stone by a roving Basilisk. Dalliance uses most of the spells she has just managed to learn to kill the creature and help undo the damage.
Not an hour later there are sounds indicating more arrivals. A wall of Ice keeps them out and Dalliance’s fireball reduces the janitorial crew to cinders. The petrified basilisk is used to blockade the door, which Ti’Karu covers with a permanent illusion and a wall of stone is used to seal off the corridor. The group rests in some semblance of peace and safety.
They exit and resume travel, making it is far as the vaulted hallway before they are attacked by an iron golem. Demming turns the floor beneath it to mud and Ron’j! dons the gloves of rusting and begins slapping the stuffing out of it. After defeating the creature, the group wanders onwards through mushroom cultivation, packaging and resale stations. They loot all that they can from a display case and pick a living red fester shroom. Dalliance touches it and even lives!
More adventuring and more adventuring. Bud falls into a pit of acid and loses his magical boots. A mushroom dining hall is investigated and the glowing purple mushroom chandelier is a source of amusement, amazement and discontent. The group retraces a few steps and branches out into a different area of the labyrinth, this time investigating what appears to be a spa. While the rest of the group nervously watches, Ti’Karu disrobes and avails himself of the hot and cold pools of water until he is relaxed. Then he settles into a massage chair – which forcefully propels him headfirst into the stone ceiling, reducing him to a relaxed state of near death…

3 comments to Stark raving terror…just like the good ole days!

  • Dalliance  says:

    Maybe that can be another side link for the blog along with current roster and past characters. Shit list. Every NPC that we have pissed off. At the very least we have now have Zagig and Tharzadun plus the lich, whatever his name is. Oh and the Dragon Cult… I am sure there are plenty more.

  • CMdaDM  says:

    Emor, Tomorast, The Zhentarim network, The Red WIzards of Thay, The Iron Skull from beyond Space and Time…just off the top of my head.

  • Barada  says:


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