Stoned…again? Nope, first time.

With the Lady Lubboch as the least freaked out party member, the group continues onward. Lubbitch ponders a new name to reflect her increased estrogenocity as the group returns to the room of rugs and proceeds to plunder everything in sight. Beyond the rug weaver’s abode is a room of fine tapestries. These too are stolen…er…liberated. As Dalliance wraps everything into a ‘teleportable’ bundle, she reflects on the weaver’s story and comes to realize that Arley the weaver was working for Zagig, the Black Mage of Orlbar…of course, this was long before there was an Orlbar, but still…the group is poking about in the abode of a powerful and very evil mage. Oh well. More rooms are opened and investigated, until finally the decision is made to enter beyond the black curtain.

On the other side is a huge room. At the far end is a raised step pyramid, flanked by two large viewing stands. Upon the pyramid stand three statues, The first is a fierce fighter carrying a sword. The second is a mage that bears a striking resemblance to the big Z, and the third is a massive iron golem that animates and proceeds to beat the bejeezuz out of the party with a crystalline poisoned sword and a whip that turns the targets to stone. As the gloem begins to deliver the beats, the stands fill with an assortment of diabolic and angellic creatures, each rooting for one of the groups involved in the melee.
Lady Lubboch is stoned by the whip, and the party is mauled by blasts of fiery breath, massive beatings and stoney whippings. Eventually they win through and slay the golem. As they do so, the stands empty and the beings vanish.

A bit o time is required for Dalliance to go and fetch a Flesh to Stone spell, and the group holes p and hopes that the owner of the abode doesn’t return before Dalliance does. He doesn’t, and Dalliance returns Lubbocha to flesh. The group regroups and starts investigating otehr avenues, eventually finding a hidden passage that leads to a crawlspace that leads to stairs, that lead down and into a maze of passages. Immediately Reza smells a large canid and the group battles some sort of supersonic wolfhound and an eight-pack of guards.
Dalliance erects a Wall of Fire to ensure that the massacre is uninterrupted and as the echoes of the wolfhound wails die away and the blood of the guards leaks out in the floor…the group decides what to do next.

3 comments to Stoned…again? Nope, first time.

  • Dalliance  says:

    So the last time we were in one of the Mage’s lairs we stole then meekly returned his spell book. This time it will not be so easy to repair the damage, unless someone has a raise ogre mage spell or is really good at weaving.

  • Dalliance  says:

    PS: Lubbitch? Lub it.

  • Barada  says:

    Maybe he will not know it was us….

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