Who called for an exterminator?

Deciding that the least plausible course of action for the Lords of Waterdeep is to go help out a bunch of scruffy pipeweed farmers living in some backwoods hollow, that is exactly what they decide to do. Who would expect it? Even if they were discovered…who would believe it?
So, wrapped in a shroud of implausibility they venture to the Laughing Hollow. There they encounter a trio of hobbit families who are singularly unimpressed by their titles and finery, and infinitely more concerned with whether or not they can assist in unraveling the mysterious disappearance of Boffo Cosgrove.

They gain entrance to the hobbit hole and spend a lengthy period of time investigating the disheveled interior. They conclude that Boffo was a bit of a slob, but they do discover a tunnel which terminates in the back of a wardrobe. Having little else to go on, they worm into the narrow passage (Feaster in the front for once) and investigate.
They travel through twisting passages dug through the soil. Parts are loose and prone to crumbling, but they avoid being buried alive and enter into a steep and deep chimney that extends downwards through the granite.

As they investigate they are attacked on several occasions by crazed Ankhegs, who attack the group ineffectually, but with great fury. as they descend, the group becomes aware of a strange smell in the air of the tunnels. They think it might the the bodies of a dozen or so children that they discover, but the smell grows even stronger as they descend to an oval chamber filled with dead and dying Ankhegs.
Dalliance helps them along on their journey by casting a fireball into the room. Passing beyond they discover a great underground chasm with a rift at one end, through which whistles some foul smelling air. As the party breathes, they start to lose vitality and grow alarmed. A handy series of spells seals the rift and the party retraces its steps.

Of Boffo, no trace can be found. Scrying spells are to no avail and the sad conclusion is that the insects have eaten the elder ‘weed farmer of Laughing Hollow. ‘Tis a sad day indeed, but the group does start to contemplate the merchant life – wondering if reselling some pipeweed might not prove to be a more comfortable and less lethal lifestyle. The contemplation is short lived as the lure of wandering off to parts unknown to reassemble some powerful item of magic for unknown purposes is more appealing than inventories and accounts receivable.


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