Acting on a hot tip from Pearsay, the group is teleported a vast distance to the Troll HIlls. The information given is that a red dragon has been attacking caravans along the dragon coast. Pearsay is less interested in the economic costs, but sees an opportunity for the group to tweak the nose of the noble houses of nearby Amn, whose nobles have raised an army and are pursuing the dragon. The plan is to beat the army to the l;air, collect the choicest loot and depart.
Use of clairvoyance and teleport allows for rapid movement, and after a few days of flying, teleporting, hiking and scouting, the intrepid adventurers are high on a ridgeline, looking down into the vastness of the Giant’s Plain...
Following the successful raid on the frozen lair of the white dragon of the north, the party pivots to the swampy southland in an attempt to gain some more cohesion and inter-party coordination as they integrate the two newest members.
The tip from Pearsay is about a black dragon living in the swamps that has taken to raiding the southern trade route between Cormyr and Sembia. The party swings into action and spens about a week scouting the swampy area before finding the dragon’s locale. Intelligence reports make note that the dragon uses troops in his attacks, so clearly this is no ordinary beast.
Identifying the nearest troop barracks tells them that they have a limited amount of time to engage the creature before reinforcements might arrive...
With Gutboy and The Justicar rounding out the roster, the party seeks for something relatively simple that will allow for some inter=party bonding to take place. Finally, Pearsay offers them a simple task. Journey to the Glacier of the White Wurm and slay dragon that has been preying on the northern supply route these past few months.
The group springs into action. spending three weeks writing scrolls to take with them, then teleporting the party to the glacier’s edge. The druid uses his commune with nature ability to locate a likely region in which to begin exploring, after about a week of trying. Next the flying eyes take to the skies and before too long a likely cave complex is identified.
Some rapid travel brings the group to within eyesight of the entrance, at which point Malchor rel...
As the party watches from their vantage point on the slopes about a mile distant, they notice a few figures wearing robes that the sharp-eyed elves identify as being similar to the ones they set on fire in the wine closet. The figures mill about for a minute or two, then return inside the obsidian temple.
‘Now or never’ and the party is off, jogging across the intervening space to enter the temple and wreak havoc. Elulyn and Malchor are plotting how to best loot the powerful mage and the biggest worry is the prospect of a large pack of hellhounds. As they draw within 50 feet of the doors, the wand of trap detection comes out – and lo – the doorway is trapped...
Read MoreAfter a quick survey of the scene by remote eyeball, the party hustles up the stairs and starts investigating a book nook when one of the elves notices a cleverly concealed doorway. The opening mechanism is sussed out and the party enters an unadorned hallway that ends in a concealed door that opens into a small storage closet. A wine rack (the door), some dining implements, a few candelabras and a pile of robes. A plain door is on the other side of the small chamber.
Goldpiece and Thelonious advance cautiously, and the gas-huffing elf opens the door ever so slightly, then a little bit more and finally most of the way open...
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