Try angu lay shun

Bolstered by the cleric’s ability to step through the planes, the party makes a jump far to the north and to the east, then settles in with a map and a crystal shard to track the demon’s progress across the land. For a few days, they rest and prepare for the epic struggle ahead. Only six days remain before the ceremony that will restore the fiend to full strength, when the decision is made to try a new location to triangulate the demon’s location.
The group makes two jumps and the intersecting lines point to an uninhabited region of desolate desert. That seems like a fine place to find the Tower of Bone they are seeking...

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Crystal Methods

It is decided that a swift report to the guard is in order. It seems likely that anyone important has had time to flee but what matters now is dismantling the network of secret access tunnels leading to various properties throughout the city.
The guard is alerted and the group helps them navigate the traps and points out areas for further exploration before turning their attention to a lesser used branch of the sewer lines.
Turning one way brings them into contact – and battle – with a bunch of creepy crawly slime crawlers, and the other way eventually leads them into an unused section of the sewers. An old, dry cistern leads them to a passageway – the sounds of chanting can be heard ahead.
Proceeding cautiously, the group discovers that the passageway ends on a narrow ledge far above the ...

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Stinky Tubes of Mean People

The intrepid party continues its tour of the sewers, investigating main branches as well as quaint little cesspools along the sides of the main line. They find and slay several more guards, then put one of the survivors to the question and learn what they can about the thieve’s guild’s involvement in the kidnapping and murder of the town’s children.
They surprise some sort of mage by entering through a secret passage and the disturbance allows the guildmaster to flee. Papers and ledger books are seized which include lists of thieves, their contributions and the names of several fences in the area. The city watch will be very intrigued by these memos.
They find and slay a few more guards, including a particularly interesting duo: A bugbear and a doppelganger...

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Shhhh be vewwy vewwy quiet, I’m hunting cultists

The return trip to the manor is strange and eventful, yet uneventful. Upon arriving, the group discovers a stable full of abominations. Strange tentacle cows and other terrible things prompts the party to set fire to the building and roast the offenses to nature. A bit of further investigation reveals the Malthen family crypt – which leads to the underground passages the group has trodden before. Well…that seems to be that. Game, set, match to the party.

A brief debriefing with the locals and the group returns to Immersea. After debriefing the spymaster of Cormyr and the sharing of knowledge with the Swimming Swans, they return to the Tormite compound to oversee the final stages of construction. Indeed, the main quarters have just been completed and the guest tower is nearly finished...

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Chewbacca and the Angry Dragon

Pausing in the opening of the chieftain’s cavern the group prepares to launch an all out assault on the camp denizens. At that moment the cleric – ostensible leader of the group – says ‘hey, we should go back and investigate the chamber of blackness not scouted earlier by the wizard’s eye’. The group does not object and reverses course. While the monk guards the rear the cleric unsheathes Siveredge and the brilliant light cuts through the darkness to reveal a cave ahead. As they advance the light reveals a scummy pond, natural columns, and a wall of humanoid skulls cemented together.
Pressing on, the group is not really surprised when a frog from the abyss appears in the pond. As the paladin prepares to engage, there is even less amazement when a second frog appears in the brackish water...

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