Wookin pa litch in all de wrong places…

Following up on the shift in party composition, Goldpiece, Malchor, Thelonius and Elulyn go on the road and travel to meet Pearsay near Urlamspyr. They pick up a tip about a possible location for a litch they have been feuding with for the past few years. While on the road to the deserted desert they see a band of traveling hill giants but decide to avoid any contact.

A day or so later thry come across the remnants of a ruined caravan and find a map while rooting around. It seems to match the general area and the group is elated to see a large cavern opening. They camp and keep watch, looking to see if there are any comings or goings…
A band of hill giants come bearing food, which is deposited in a large wooden crate/trough which rises to the top of the 200 foot cliff and vanishes into the cavern. So, the place is occupied!

After it is scouted, there is a bit less elation. The cavern is occupied all right…by a skeletal dragon wearing the skin of a black dragon draped across its bones like a bathrobe. Treasures are scattered about, and that means it is clobbering time! Perhaps Melkerekh is a dracolitch? Anyhoo…up the cliff they go and the battle is joined. It is short and savage and the group is near death before “defeating” the beast by forcing it to return to its phylactery. This short respite allows them enough time to loot the magic they can find, seal up an acess shaft with a wall of stone…because it is clear that the food offering was not for the dragon, meaning there are other entities in the area…and flee the area, setting up shop inside the rod of security while they ponder the next move.

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