Gwan, geddoudaheah!

After proper loin-girding is completed, the cleric deploys the rainbow elevator to lift the group towards the spider silk bridge. As they rise, the mage spots a dozen pony-sized spiders hustling along on an intercept course. They intercept a fireball and the flaming husks plummet into the cavern below.

Reaching the bridge, they act with some urgency, fearing the arrival of the demonspider. The mage deploys the globe of invulnerability and they hustle down the passageway, stopping only once they enter the den of the spider – now roused and terribly angry. ‘go away’ suggests the cleric and poof – the spiderdemon is gone.

The group pauses for a moment in stunned silence...

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Spider. spider, burning bright…

After some more poking about and ending up in places they have already been, the group takes time to consider where to go next. They make some far-ranging excursions and eventually enter a wide and tall hallway that has a distinctly familiar feel to it.

they follow the hallway for many a mile and eventually arrive at a painted sign indicating an inn is nearby. Say what? An inn? Here? Well, since we’re already here…and in they go. Beyond the doors is a spacious room filled with tables, of which only one is already occupied. Here, a quintet of black-clad figures sits quietly and nurses drinks. The paladin eyes them suspiciously, but only the faintest tain of evil can be detected. The cleric counsels patience.

Behind the bar is a stout…cockroach? Well, a bipedal humanoid with a decidedly coc...

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well, now what?

The intrepid group spends another 12 days exploring various stairwell, corridors, rooms and the like. Of note is a piece of statuary that grants experience levels to everyone in the party except Malchor, who is swallowed whole.
Also if note are various and sundry traps, tombs and sarcophagi. These recurring themes convince the party that they are in the right area to finally track down the rotting man. Equally recurring are large distances and areas without any seeming connection. These themes discourage the party and lead them towards despair of ever reaching the goal.
They continue the search for the Goldilocks area – not too easy, so there will be good loot, but not too hard, so no one will die...

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Morcus calling Orcus…

Pressing onward, the group explores a series of rooms and corridors, the first of which is packed with zombies, which the cleric happily reduces to dust. The idea that the Rotting Man oversees a vast complex of tombs is floated amidst exploration and an attack by a dam. Damn the dam! The elf is nearly crushed but the group manages an escape.
An evil altar is found as is a series of coffins and sarcophagi – giving credence to the earlier opinion. The occupants are returned to an inert state and the contents are seized before further exploration is undertaken.
After being sealed in an area by a portcullis, they find a room resembling a lake of fire, interspersed with hanging chains...

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Grudgery and Drudgery

The dismayed explorers fall back to more familiar ground, then cast about for some new avenues of exploration. They wander far and near, and then far again. They go up and down and up and down again. They retrace old footsteps and fight a group of ogres and steal all their stuff. Still, even with the murder and robbery, the group feels a bit down. What to do – where to go – and wheredefakawi?
They fight and kill some extradimensional fungi, investigate long hallways that go elsewhere, kill a couple of zombie horses. They identify items, climb ropes and pass time (and gas). They find statues and pools of black water. There are doors and iron skeletons and all manner of whacky stuff.
In the end, it is either press onward or go home. No one wants to go home…

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