

Passing through the stone door, they encounter some undead in a snake-carved pillar filled room. There is also a spell casting, tentacled brain flying around trying to destroy the party, It dispels much of the party’s magic before blasting them with a lightning bolt. Although Jaco is rendered unconscious by the electrical discharge, the creature is slain by Goldpiece and the magic missiles of the mages, and the cleric is subsequently revived by the druid. The area is explored and it is interesting to note that one avenue of exit is blocked by a wall of apparent crystal. Strange.

They move on to encounter some sort of temple of death – complete with jarred skeletons and an ominous black pool. Everyone (well, actually no one) is surprised when everything except the water animates and attacks the party. Once more the party triumphs and it investigates the strange area. “Hey look – a sacrificial altar of some kind. Neat”. “Look, another crystal wall. Cool”. “Hey, let’s dig around it with the druid. Totally”.

The group squeezes past the crystal barrier and starts investigating corridors and rubble strewn hallways. They do battle with another flying tentacled wizard brain, but are triumphant in the end. They slay the creature and loot everything they can find.
They spend three days up the rope and then descend to resume searching the area. They encounter and defeat two more flying brain tentacle things as they continue their investigation into the area…

One comment to Brains…brains!

  • Gold Piece  says:

    Like the picture of the monster of the week

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