Karen, Red Sonya and the Lich


As the party watches from their vantage point on the slopes about a mile distant, they notice a few figures wearing robes that the sharp-eyed elves identify as being similar to the ones they set on fire in the wine closet. The figures mill about for a minute or two, then return inside the obsidian temple.

‘Now or never’ and the party is off, jogging across the intervening space to enter the temple and wreak havoc. Elulyn and Malchor are plotting how to best loot the powerful mage and the biggest worry is the prospect of a large pack of hellhounds. As they draw within 50 feet of the doors, the wand of trap detection comes out – and lo – the doorway is trapped. malchor’s enhanced vision determines that the trap is magical and there is a moment of discussion regarding the best course of action. A dispel magic later, Goldpiece advances on the doorway, trailed by Thelonius and Thraw.
Goldpiece is a bit surprised when a wall of stone appears in front of him to block the entrance. a few seconds later, the party is attacked by a fireball spell and a huge fire elemental. The party rallies, erects various magical defenses and engages with the el;emental in their midst while trying to figure out what is happening. While Iko succumbs to the ferocious attack of the elemental, they are beset by a chainmail bikini clad, red haired sorceress who shoots a lightning bolt at Elulyn. As the elemental takes and gives savage beatings, another powerful sorceress enters the fray. It is the middle aged woman whose bedroom they invaded not three days ago. She still seems angry about it and casts a chain lightning into the midst of the party members battling the fire elemental. She slays the elemental and damages various party members, some more than others.

Goldpiece engages the chainmail clad mage and deals damage – while taking twice as much from Sonya’s defensive magics. She takes to the air, and as Goldpiece plys his bow, a third participant enters the fray on behalf of the temple. A horrid undead figure, clad in richly embroidered robes strides through the air, some 30 feet above the ground.

“A lich!” wail the surviving party members. “Maybe it is an illusion!” shouts a hopeful soul. Elulyn – wounded unto death – teleports back to Immersea. The lich dominates the monk and sets him to attack Malchor. Red Sonya tries to disintegrate Goldpiece and fails. Things progress chaotically as the party takes damage from long range spells. The druid is badly damaged and casts a spell of obscuring mist before she runs to seize the Mace of Faith from Iko’s lifeless hand, slicing off the tip of his nose as well. A fireball dispels the mist and slays Thelonious. Malchor dispels the magic on Sonya and removes her protections, but not her flying spell. A subsequent dispel magic strips him of his defenses and negates many of his magic items. He casts a mirror image to confuse his opponents.

Malchor battles on grimly while Thraw and Goldpiece cast meaningful glances at each other. Finally Goldpiece shouts “RUN!” before using a staff to dimension door behind the side of the temple, breaking line of sight with the mages. Thraw has transformed into an owl and is winging away as quickly as her wings will allow. As Malchor rounds the corner of the temple, Goldpiece thrusts a potion of flying into his hands before chugging a speed potion himself. The party flees in the most direct route possible and as soon as they are out of the temple’s line of sight, vanish up a rope. They descend the following morning and immediately teleport back to Immersea. They reunite with Elulyn and Thraw reincarnates the fallen Iko into a black bear.

The party searches soul and ponders options. They use Kormier’s connections and increasing standing to obtain the services of a cleric of Tyr and his bodyguard, then set themselves to considering the next move.

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