Spider. spider, burning bright…

After some more poking about and ending up in places they have already been, the group takes time to consider where to go next. They make some far-ranging excursions and eventually enter a wide and tall hallway that has a distinctly familiar feel to it.

they follow the hallway for many a mile and eventually arrive at a painted sign indicating an inn is nearby. Say what? An inn? Here? Well, since we’re already here…and in they go. Beyond the doors is a spacious room filled with tables, of which only one is already occupied. Here, a quintet of black-clad figures sits quietly and nurses drinks. The paladin eyes them suspiciously, but only the faintest tain of evil can be detected. The cleric counsels patience.

Behind the bar is a stout…cockroach? Well, a bipedal humanoid with a decidedly cockroach-y appearance. He greets the group and they purchase some drinks. He offers them a room – which they decline, and some sausage – which they accept. After eating and drinking for a bit, the party watches as the black-clad individuals walk towards the door – then vanish, only to reappear on the other side of the room. They walk to the table and sit down again. An illusion of some sort? Who knows…the place is strange.

Leaving the inn, the group resumes wandering, only to find themselves back at the inn, although arriving from a different direction. Backtracking, the group enters more previously visited areas from different directions. The decision is made to return to some of the deeper portions of the caverns they had visited. Once again they pass through purple worm fields and the scene of the battle with the rakshasa. Passing by the tomb of the elven warrior they descend deep into the earth.

Eventually they arrive in the spider-haunted cavers, where they set about retracing their steps, planning on assaulting the demon-guarded bridge above the cavern floor. But, before they do – a quick junket about the edges, making sure that no nasty surprises lay in wait. Along the way, an eggsack bursts and dozens of fist sized spiderlings rain upon the elf – a fireball stops the rain of live spiders, but does fill the caverns with a delicious smell.

Pressing onward, the group assembles its strategy for how to engage the fearsome demonspider that ran the party off a few weeks earlier. . The cleric readies spells of Dismissal while the mage plans on how to deploy his globe of invulnerability to maximum effect. The fighters prepare their weapons as the group draws closer…

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