Stuck between a rock and a shark place…

Departing the crypt, the group ventures on to discover a long, water filled passage. A quick water breathing spell and they investigate. The end of the passage is blocked by a large rock. Some quick thinking with the upside down rowboat to let the mage cast a spell and the rock is shrunk and squeezed past.
Now the group is standing at the bottom of a large lake/cistern. As they set off to explore an undead great white shark masticates the mage and swims off with him imprisoned in the toothy maw of the shark. The quick witted wizard quaffs a potion of diminution and wriggles free, gently drifting towards the bottom. The rest of the group prepares – as well as is possible – for the shark’s return. A blow from the mace of disruption removes the threat and they are free to investigate the large caldera.
Eventually they climb out of the water filled area and back into more caves. The caves give way to a passage, then a set of nice stairs. Hmm. They seem familiar, As the Lad climbs to the top he is struck dead. This turn of events spurs the elf’s memory. Say – I died in a similar fashion on stairs such as these. And – with that – the party no knows where they are and how to find the lair of the Rotting Man…after three long years! They promptly leave.
Returning to the church in Impiltur, they discuss their findings with the clerics. They travel onward to Botkinburg to refresh their acquaintance with the Baron and Lord Miles. They ponder the wisdom in pursuing Coburn – they know where he lives, after all – but he has devils and all manner of evil lurking in his place.
Maybe it is time to see the world? Go poke the immense red dragon living on his private island? Go over the hill and see the sights to the west? Travel north into the remnants of the Witch-King’s lands?
Hm. What to do…what to do?

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