Wall, schmall. No one stops the Tormentors!

After overnighting and overnighting in the hayloft, a gently spinning pitchfork troubles the group’s grip on reality. After a strategy session they decide to passwall through one of the hose stalls and see what lies beyond.
Beyond consists of a rat room with a half-chewed door, followed by the maggot-ridden corpse pile that the paladin sifts through to find Bela Lugosi’s cloak. Beyond that lies a triangular room, empty save for the smell of the rotting corpses next door.
A secret door is found and this leads to the discovery of Ophelia – a buxom lass – the last surviving member of a party that entered the Monastery in a place that sounds vaguely familiar to the elf…but who trusts elves?
She is smitten by the cleric and fawns all over him while acknowledging the elf as the obvious leader of the group. They find another secret door that leads to a longish alchemical workshop. Near the far end are a pair of trees that sprout from the floor and rise through the ceiling. A hammock is strung between them. In front of the hammock is a semi-circle of comfortable chairs surrounding a drink cart, stocked with several bottles of liquor and liqueurs.. In the hammock, some sort of happy undead fellow that keeps insisting on offering the party mint juleps and asking them to come sit and chat.
The party declines and the Gal attacks. t is ON! The ghoulish fellow tosses drinks and tosses his cookies. Ihe mage uses uses Ice Storm to pummel him and smash his drink cart. Grr! .He shrugs off the party’s magic and once the trees start bludgeoning folks and tossing cobblestones they decide that discretion is the better part of valor and rt retreat.
They passwall through a different wall and investigate a glass factory – complete with glass golem (quickly shattered) and a self-pumping bellows. A final trek brings them to a pool surrounded by a trio of snaky folk who are quickly driven away. Around the corner, the body of a halfling (known to Malchor) is found, lamented and looted. The dead soul is interrogated, but little of value is learned.
A room is scouted. Within it lies a skull and crossbones made from real bones, laid out upon the floor. The group is intrigued, and a discussion arises about the best course of action to follow: Stay here or return to the triangle room before the passwall runs out.

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