What is another word for strange?

The quick trip to the ghostly dining hall leaves several party members poisoned and the wizard frolicking on the wall like a drunken spider. A few instances of poison neutralization leaves the group in a weakened but not-dead-yet state.

They emerge from hiding after a few days and spend some time casting hallow on the evil chapel of the abbot – found a few days before. After that is done, they resume their haphazard wanderings, finding untrapped doors and opening them.

They find a room adorned with a red tapestry depicting skulls teardrops and pentagrams. They find a room with a potted apple tree bearing a plaque inscribed with an epitaph for Sindara (written in high elvish).

A knight is found, praying before a wooden cross – which bursts into flame as the undead knight attacks. His fearful visage spooks Conrad the Righteous and another party member. Although the party member is held by the cleric’s spell, Conrad scampers off into the corridors of the monastery.

Other highlights include a mirror which apparently contains a deranged soul and a toad demon with a crystal monocle who sips fine brandy as it attempts to summon other demons to kill the party. When the cleric dismisses the first, the party manages to slay the toady one before more reinforcements arrive. They are rewarded with a fine bottle of brandy and the monocle for their troubles.

A few more encounters, including a clown, some human bandits preying on those wandering the monastery, a room full of fragrant purple flowers, and a room with a firepit full of red, glowing stones. This place is full-blown whack-a-doodle.

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